Our Team

610-222-4110 x123
Ashley Herr
Education & Outreach Director
Ashley works from a strengths-based and person-centered approach to support individuals and families seeking services at the Center. She views unstructured play and creative exploration as primary tools in working with children and encourages self-exploration and the utilization of natural supports and strengths to facilitate growth and healing with adults. Ashley is passionate about offering grief education and awareness to members in our community who may be affected by grief and loss in varying capacities. Ashley welcomes a collaborative and dynamic relationship with clients, families and members of the community while navigating unique journeys through grief.

Roles at the Center
Grief Counselor
Grief Educator
Group Facilitator

LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) in Pennsylvania
CT (Certification in Thanatology: Death Dying and Bereavement) from the Association for Death Education and Counseling
M.A. Counseling Psychology – Arcadia University
B.A. Psychology – Stonehill College

I am inspired by…
…the strength and hope that can be cultivated through life’s simple pleasures: the feeling of the sun on your face, reflecting on a fond memory, or joy that is shared from a smile. Each provides a feeling of peace that can be carried throughout the day and felt during moments of sadness
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Individual & Family Grief Counseling
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Ph: 610-222-4110
Fax: 610-222-4116
3847 Skippack Pike
P.O. Box 1299
Skippack, PA 19474
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Loss and Bereavement