Our Board
Our Board of Directors are a dedicated group of volunteers, who bring insight and expert leadership together in assuring that the Center for Loss and Bereavement’s mission is fulfilled. These individuals have committed their time and talents in helping the Center’s staff and volunteers maintain excellence in client programming and professional community engagement, while ensuring that financial sustainability is supported.
We are searching for committed professional volunteers to serve on our organization’s governing body, increasing its capacity to support others in need. Please review our Board Recruitment webpage and submit an inquiry form if you are interested in learning more about these opportunities in community service.

Active Board Members

Christopher L. Smith, MBA
Board President
Committees: Governance, Operations & Finance, Development & Fundraising, Programming & Outreach
Affiliation: Transit Systems, Inc.

Rita Porreca, MA LMFT
Committees: Governance, Programming & Outreach
Affiliation: Marriage & Family Therapy Practice (Retired), Active Clinical Supervisor

D. Selaine Keaton, Esq.
Committee: Development & Fundraising
Affiliation: Partner, Halligan and Keaton, P.C.

Megan Brody, MBA
Committees: Operations & Finance, Development & Fundraising
Affiliation: PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP

Beth Hunt, PMP
Committees: Operations & Finance, Development & Fundraising
Affiliation: Deluxe

Suzanne Miller, BFA, CYT, Y4C, Grief Movement
Committees: Programming & Outreach, Development & Fundraising
Affiliation: Sr. Mgr, Digital Design, Hibu Marketing & Programming

Elyse Lupin, MBA
Committees: Governance, Development & Fundraising
Affiliation: President & Founder, Elysium Marketing Group

Chase Kneeland, M.Div., LMFT
Committees: Programming & Outreach
Affiliation: Individual, Marriage & Family Therapy Practice

Tien-Yueh Kubach, BS
Committees: Governance, Development & Fundraising
Affiliation: Principal, Lubert-Adler Partners

Silvi Saxena, LSW, MBA, CCTP, OSW-C
Committees: Operations & Finance, Programming & Outreach
Affiliation: National Clinical Training Specialist- AccentCare, Hospice
Directors Emerita / Co-Founders

Christine Smith

Shirley Elrod
In Memoriam
Robb Muse
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Individual & Family Grief Counseling
Grief Support Resources
Ph: 610-222-4110
Fax: 610-222-4116
3847 Skippack Pike
P.O. Box 1299
Skippack, PA 19474
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Loss and Bereavement