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Our Founders’ Board


“…specialized grief counseling is invaluable.”

Marilyn Pennapacker

What initially drew you to the Center and inspired you to become a member of the Board?

In 1980 at the age of 33 with three small children, I became a widow. My family was in crisis facing many nights in tears. My family, friends and priest were always there for support and comfort; but they could only do so much. I knew they were probably tired of listening to me, but I was not done grieving and trying to help my children. We were truly on an island alone. I did find a family counselor that helped but no one seemed to totally understand the effect of grief on an entire family and their extended family.

Christine was a friend during those years. When she asked if I would be interested in joining the Board for the Center I was “all in” knowing the need for a place to find comfort and understanding.

Share about your experience on the board and any highlights or memories you cherish.

Whether it was stuffing envelopes for a mailing, working on raffle baskets or making lunch plans for camp Millie, there were always a group of dedicated volunteers willing to share the load.

What has been the most meaningful part of being connected to the Center?

Serving on the Board was another part of healing for me and now celebrating the 20-year anniversary confirms specialized grief counseling is invaluable.

Why have you continued to support this special mission over so many years?

Just knowing that the mission is so needed.

What are your hopes for people who come to the Center?

That they would realize they are not alone in their journey.

What would you say to someone who was considering volunteering with us in programming, on committees, or as a member of the board?

You will be rewarded in so many ways.

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Individual & Family Grief Counseling



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Ph: 610-222-4110
Fax: 610-222-4116

3847 Skippack Pike
P.O. Box 1299
Skippack, PA 19474

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Loss and Bereavement