Therapist Steve Keller Reflects on Episode 6: The Release of Love
I recently listened to one of the podcasts by Anderson Cooper, entitled “All There Is” in which he interviews several people regarding the subject of grief, which Andrew has embarked upon to help him mourn the death of his mother. This particular podcast was an...

Therapist Tammy Court- Cudd Reflects on Episode 5: Anticipatory Grief
“Even though it doesn’t seem possible, you can always get to know another person differently than you think you can, even if they’re dead, whether it's through someone who knew them, finding something they wrote, etc., it’s never too late to get to know someone...

Therapist Hannah Feehery Reflects on Episode 4: Molly Shannon’s Unspeakable Loss
In episode 4 of All There Is, Anderson Cooper opens by once again going through his mother’s belongings. Only this time, he discovers some of his dad’s items. He plays some of the recordings his father made from a book he had written, and in these recordings, his...

Therapist Claire Drexler Reflects on Episode 3: Sadness Isn’t An Enemy
In the podcast, All There Is, Anderson Cooper highlights the difficult topic of sadness and its connection to grief in the episode "Sadness isn't An Enemy". Along with Dr. BJ Miller a hospice and palliative care physician whose sister, Lisa, died by suicide. ...

Therapist Brian McCaffrey Reflects on Episode 2 “Grateful for Grief”
Therapist Brian McCaffrey reflecting on Episode 2 of the "All There Is" podcast by Anderson Cooper! "All There Is" with Anderson Cooper is about the people we lose, the people left behind, and how we can live on – with loss and with love. It has profoundly impacted...

Therapist Emily Harouz Reflects on Episode 1: Facing What’s Left Behind
Anderson Cooper opens All There Is season 1 episode 1 by entering his mother’s house as he begins the process of sorting through her belongings, questioning what his new relationship with his mother will look like, exploring who she was as a person, and, how he wants...

Executive Director Emily Vincent Reflects on All There Is Podcast
Executive Director Emily Vincent reflects on the "All There Is" podcast by Anderson Cooper. "All There Is" with Anderson Cooper is about the people we lose, the people left behind, and how we can live on – with loss and with love. It has profoundly impacted many of us...