Registration for our 5th Annual Strides of Hope on April 12, 2025 is Open! Learn More
Supporting Others with Chronic Illness

Supporting Others with Chronic Illness

CLB Tip Sheets   Supporting Others with Chronic Illness ​ Sometimes we look at pictures of past years, and realize how much life changes after a loved one has been diagnosed with a chronic, sometimes degenerative illness. Life seems harder, more taxing and often...
Grief and the Mind-Body Connection

Grief and the Mind-Body Connection

CLB Tip Sheets   Grief and the Mind-Body Connection ​ Grief is an all-encompassing physical, social, psychological, biological, and spiritual experience It is important to be aware of the connection between our mind and body as we process grief. A grieving heart...
Loneliness & Isolation in Older Adulthood

Loneliness & Isolation in Older Adulthood

CLB Tip Sheets   Loneliness & Isolation in Older Adulthood ​ Aging is a natural process that brings about a variety of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual changes. As people age, various forms of loss, such as the loss of independence, autonomy,...