by graphicedge | Oct 3, 2023
CLB Tip Sheets Supporting Others with Chronic Illness Sometimes we look at pictures of past years, and realize how much life changes after a loved one has been diagnosed with a chronic, sometimes degenerative illness. Life seems harder, more taxing and often...
by graphicedge | Oct 3, 2023
CLB Tip Sheets Grief and the Mind-Body Connection Grief is an all-encompassing physical, social, psychological, biological, and spiritual experience It is important to be aware of the connection between our mind and body as we process grief. A grieving heart...
by graphicedge | Sep 29, 2023
CLB Tip Sheets Loneliness & Isolation in Older Adulthood Aging is a natural process that brings about a variety of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual changes. As people age, various forms of loss, such as the loss of independence, autonomy,...